"It's a little self indulgent..." - My mom
"After I read a sentence, I get mad at myself for caring what you're doing." -Karl Dusen

Thursday, February 10, 2011

95% of a great workout

I went in search of some social runners Tuesday after work to make sure I didn't go too crazy between my quarters on Monday and an impending 1200 workout on Wednesday. I took up several invitations to join the Potomac Runners for an evening run from the Capitol. Without knowing how far they would be running, I opted to get in a definite 3.5 with short loop through Capitol Hill. I waited in the wind by the reflecting pool for people to show up, and we headed off, a lot faster than I expected, on loop across the Potomac River. None of the people I knew were there, and for the most part, nobody talked. Though Becky warned me they would be too slow, it seemed like being relaxed and social was the last thing on their mind. Granted, the brutal winds had something to do with it, but we charged ahead. I ended up getting about 10.75.

Monday's quarters already started working for me, if not improving my turnover at least shifting my perspective on what is fast. Last time the workout was 6x1200, I ran 4:04, 3:58, 3:56, 4:00, 4:10, 76 and 72 for 400s. This time, I ran faster for my slowest than I did for my fastest from the earlier set. Running two seconds fast for each of the first quarters, I ran 3:55, 3:55, 3:49, 3:48 and 3:45. About 550 meters into the sixth, I started to feel the tension in my hips, necessary to maintain my control over my turnover, start to fade, and I stopped at 800 at 2:32. I waited for Murphy to come through on his last 1200 to try to block the wind for his ultimate lap, which I ran in 75. I stopped my last one because I preferred to have finished the workout well, but a few minutes later I was sure I could have pulled off another 75 to finish in 3:47.

I am happy with how it went, because until the last 250, I felt totally in control and confident in what I was doing. I just wish I had been confident enough to take a chance on that last lap and see what I had, even if it hurt. I am not sleeping well for some reason or another, and even though it has now been two months since the doctors cut the hell out of my throat, I still feel it recovering, so I guess I just have to sleep more. Little by little, though, I'm getting back to what I expect to run, given the focus I have given the pursuit.

I'll head home today and run an easy Lewinsville then come back in the morning and run another "long kick" ("p" word) workout on the mall before work tomorrow.

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