"It's a little self indulgent..." - My mom
"After I read a sentence, I get mad at myself for caring what you're doing." -Karl Dusen

Saturday, June 19, 2010

An unwelcome time for hills

I planned to start at 6 am, but I slept in until 8. I needed it, though.
I managed 17 mile at 7:12 pace this morning. I was really getting thirsty the last three miles, about when I hit a stretch with little to no shade. Most of the first 10 miles was downhill, with some notable exceptions, and the rest was uphill, including a huge climb at 10 miles. I thought of trying to make it 18 when I realized I missed a turn toward the end, but once I got to the gate to my complex, I just stopped, walked to the pool locker room, took my shoes off and immediately got under the shower and turned it on cold.
I lost 12 pounds over those 17 miles.
I started off way too fast- 6:33 pace for the first three miles, and tried to slow my pace down to what I'd be doing when I'm dying at the end of a run, while I have the capability to go faster, but that rarely worked. More than an hour later, I am
still aching for water, but I don't want to get bloated, as I am wont to do when I guzzle fluids.

Though I am going to switch today's and tomorrow's mileage for consistency's sake (one long run per week) I technically did 92.5 miles over the last seven days, definitely a personal record. And, I am feeling better now than I did at the beginning of the week. Tomorrow I will do an easy five alone then meet up with Ciccone for another five before we watch some Italian soccer and eat like archdukes.

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