"It's a little self indulgent..." - My mom
"After I read a sentence, I get mad at myself for caring what you're doing." -Karl Dusen

Saturday, February 13, 2010

75 and feeling alive or something stupid along those lines

I ran a lot later than I had planned. Coming home from Patrick Murphy's excellent Olympic opening ceremonies party, I missed an orange line train by about 15 seconds. Luckily it wasn't the last train of the night, but I still had to wait 18 minutes for one. Once on the train, we got to Metro Center and proceeded to sit there for about 28 minutes, so the other last trains of the night could converge. I appreciated the forethought, but seeing as how I was exhausted from jerking my sleeping schedule out of whack for one day of work that week, I got a little irate, though I kept it to myself. Then a middle aged gentleman who wreaked of cigarettes sat next to me. Just splendid. Anyway, by the time I got home- 1:15, I had a feeling waking up for the Haiti charity run in Chevy Chase was unlikely. When I woke up at 7:45 and knew it was decision time, I was positive. I slept until 11:30, then just kind of lied around for a few more hours, had some food, and finally got going around 5. The Presidents' Loop, named for the several streets named after American presidents, was an icy mess in several places and and snowy where it wasn't icy, so what was a good pace was frequently interrupted by having to jog to enhance safety. I ended up running 6:30 for 9.8 miles, so it wasn't too bad, but I was hoping for something a little closer to 6:00 pace. Granted, I slowed down considerably in the hazardous stretches so I very well may have managed close to six minutes the rest of the time. Anyway, I made it to 75 miles this week, mostly on top of and through snow and ice, so I am pretty happy. I just can't wait to train on solid ground consistently.